dimecres, 27 de gener del 2010

The nuclear waste

The Spain government wants to do a warehouse of nuclear waste in one city of Spain, because the Spanish nuclear power stations produce a lot of waste. This waste isn’t able to disappearing in a lot of years and it’s very dangerous at environment. Now, the industry ministry is searching a place to do the warehouse. Ascó, a city of “Terres de l’Ebre”, that it has two nuclear reactors there, asked at the industry ministry if it can put the warehouse in the city. People of Ascó are divided. One part think that it’s a good idea put the warehouse in the city, but the other part think that it is a bad idea. Personally, I think that it’s a good idea, because, the economy in general there are bad, and if the government makes a good inversion, the economic crisis at zone will disappear.

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