diumenge, 14 de març del 2010

The last one

Today is the last day to doing the bloc and this is the last one upgrade. While I have been doing the bloc, I have lean new technical to write.
I think that bloc is usable to known more the English, but sometimes, when, I had to write I didn’t know what write here.
I also want to write of the Search work, the final note was a 10/10. It’s a good mark, and I’m very happy about this. The percentage note about “Batxillerat” of Search Work is ten per cent, and it’s important to have a good mark in Search Work.
I hope that R. Madrid has won the Spanish league too.
Until never bloc.

Bahrain Formula one Grand prix

This weekend, in Bahrain (Sakhir), a country near Arabia Saudi was held the first formula one grand prix in 2010’s championship. In the battle for the pole position there was three pilots: The pole position was from S. Vettel (Red Bull); the second position was from F. Massa (Ferrari) and the third place was from F. Alonso (Ferrari). M. Schumacher was seventh.

Today the race starts al one o’clock P.M. S. Vettel starts the race in the first position. Alonso was advanced F. Massa in the first lap. In the middle of race, S. Vattel, who have a mechanic problem, has been advanced which F. Alonso and later he wins the race.
The best car for the weekend is the Ferrari. Ferrari hasn’t had any problem to adapt in the track.

dissabte, 13 de març del 2010

The people are cruel

Hello Joan,
In the last six years, Real Madrid CF only won two Spanish leagues and FC Barcelona won a lot of titles. When Real Madrid don’t win titles, I feel sad, but when I talk with Barça’s supporters I think that they are stupid because they made me angry. Last year Barça won everyone titles that they can, and all FC Barcelona supporters made me angry. This year, Real Madrid has been removed at King’s cup and, Champions league and they also me angry, but Barça has been removed at King’s cup too. I hope that this year, Real Madrid going to win the Spanish league, and FC Barcelona, wouldn’t win the Champions. This year Barça aren’t the same that last year.
Until Monday Joan

Celtas Cortos

Celtas Cortos is a music group who born in Valladolid (Castilla y Leon) at eighty’s years. The group based his music in Celta rock. His first individual disc was “Salida de emergencia”. That was the first success. In 2001, they were doing a recompilation about her best songs. The album was said “Grandes exitos, pequeños regalos”. This album contain the songs: “20 de Abril”, ”Cuentame un cuento”… Later, they have more recompilations which his best songs. The last album, named “40 de Abril” has been published in 2008, and there new songs.
Personaly, I like the songs “Cuentame un cuento” and “Retales de una vida”. “Retales de una vida” is the last album’s main song.

This is the “Retales de una vida” lyrics:

De los retales de una vida,sale una canción,
y de los sueños rotos en el corazón
de ese amor perdido,del que no queda ya nada.

De las batallas perdidas,sale un ganador.
De las batallas ganadas,sale un perdedor.
De las sonrisas al viento,hay lágrimas derramadas.

Y los recuerdos al aire me besan la cara.
Sólo recuerdo lo bueno,de lo malo nada.
Aún queda tiempo pa´ el viento,vaya donde vaya,
y que me lleve volando,a tocar a otra guitarra.

De los grandes subidones,siempre hay un bajón.
De las grandes amistades,siempre hay un traidor.
De los acordes mayores, es el más grande y menor.

De las grandes ocasiones,alguna hay mejor.
De los grandes perdedores,hay un ganador.
De sí el mejor del equipo el latido del corazón.

Y los recuerdos al aire me besan la cara.
Sólo recuerdo lo bueno,de lo malo nada.
Aún queda tiempo pa´ el viento,vaya donde vaya,
y que me lleve volando,a tocar a otra guitarra.

Y los recuerdos al aire.
Sólo recuerdo lo bueno.
Aún queda tiempo pa´ el viento.
Y que me lleve volando,a tocar a otra guitarra.

dimarts, 9 de març del 2010

Travel to Prague

Next Tuesday 22th of March, the 2nd BAT students in IES Antoni Pous will go to Prague, the Czech republican capital. In Prague live 1.180.000 people in 496 km2. Czech Republic is situated in Europe’s north. Prague is situated in centre of the republic. The maximum altitude in the city is 400 meters over the sea. Moldava River divides the city with two parts.

The most important, and better museum in Prague is The National museum. Prague is also the centre of culture in Centre Europe. There is also the Jewish museum.
Ice hockey is the most important sport in the region. Football is important too. Sparta de Prague is one of the popular football teams here.
I hope the day that we will go to Prague.

dimecres, 3 de març del 2010

Chile's eartquake

Last Saturday 27th February at 03:34 in Chile, earthquake occurred in the south of Santiago de Chile, the county’s capital. Earthquake magnitude was 8.8 in Richter scale and lasting three minutes. The earthquake produced a tsunami that was put in alert five-three countries around the Pacific Ocean coast. The earthquake kills seven hundred people since then and there are a lot of people who are missing. Since then two hundred smalls earthquakes puts South American people in alert. NASA has estimated that the day lasted less than some microseconds about the earthquake.

F1 preseason

Last year, in F1 won Brawn GP with Mercedes engines. The second was Red Bull, and the third Ferrari. When F1 teams were finished the 2009 season, the engineers began to prepare the next season. In 2010 FIA changes some rules. The most important rule is that the pilots can’t charge fuel in boxes when the race is started. He only can change the tires. Engineers have been working in the wind tunnel until some days.

A month ago the pilots began to prepare the car in the track. The better teams since then are Ferrari, Red Bull and McLaren Mercedes. Brawn GP was bought by Mercedes and Michael Shumacher will drive the Mercedes, but are not one of the best cars in the world formula one championship.

dilluns, 8 de febrer del 2010

Real Madrid C.F. - R.C.D. Espanyol

Saturday at 22:00, Real Madrid C.F, and R.C.D. Espanyol played a match in Santiago Bernabeu stadium. The eleven players, who started de match in Real Madrid team, were: Casillas; Arbeloa, R. Albiol, S.Ramos, Marcelo; X.Alonso, Granero, Guti, Kaka; Raul (captain), Benzema. In Espanyol team were start : Kameni;Roncaglia,Pareja, V.Ruiz, D. García (captain); Baena, Javi Marquez, Coro, L. García, Verdú; Osvaldo.

Real Madrid scored a goal when four minutes had passed from the match start. The goal was scored by S. Ramos. The second goal was scored by Kaka, and the third by Higuain, who had come to Benzema.
Real Madrid C.F. won at 3-0 and Espanyol, which had a bad match. Espanyol middle age players were at 24. They are very young, and don’t have much experience on 1st division.

dimecres, 27 de gener del 2010

The nuclear waste

The Spain government wants to do a warehouse of nuclear waste in one city of Spain, because the Spanish nuclear power stations produce a lot of waste. This waste isn’t able to disappearing in a lot of years and it’s very dangerous at environment. Now, the industry ministry is searching a place to do the warehouse. Ascó, a city of “Terres de l’Ebre”, that it has two nuclear reactors there, asked at the industry ministry if it can put the warehouse in the city. People of Ascó are divided. One part think that it’s a good idea put the warehouse in the city, but the other part think that it is a bad idea. Personally, I think that it’s a good idea, because, the economy in general there are bad, and if the government makes a good inversion, the economic crisis at zone will disappear.

dimecres, 20 de gener del 2010

Final Serach work

I update my bloc because I don’t update from last term. Well, last Friday, we gave the Search works. I gave the work at ten o’clock, but some people do it at two o’clock, the time, that finished the term.
Now, I’m happy, but I will prepare the oral exposition. When I’ll do the oral exposition, I explaining the work’s part, and then I explaining the scale model. The scale model is about a wind tunnel. A wind tunnel is a device that measure the sustenance force created by planes.
I wait the exposition day which many desires.