dilluns, 30 de novembre del 2009


Manlleu is who have twenty hundred people. It belongs at Osona region. The Ter river is one of the most important things about Manlleu: First; at one hundred five teen years, the village economy depended about this. The industrial canal connected the factories at the water energy and it has electricity. Second; Manlleu is the biggest city about Ter river, and is recently nominated Ter capital. Manlleu is in Plana de Vic. Plana de Vic is a one plain how always there are fog.

dimarts, 3 de novembre del 2009


Braveheart is my favourite film. The main character is Willian Wallace, a historic character, because the film is set which the real history of United Kingdom and Scotland. In the film, William Wallace fights which the independence of Scotland. Finally, Wallace is condemned which English court to death. The scene that William Wallace deaths are very striking.